Contributing to the climate effort

Contributing to the climate effort

"All of our teams are working to ensure that our products and the way we make them have a positive impact on our ecosystem and the regions in which we operate.

We have defined ambitious and realistic targets to reduce our carbon intensity.

We are innovating to decarbonize our operations and provide our customers with low-carbon solutions. For the respect of people and the planet."

Emmanuel Magat – Industrial and CSR Director

Climate challenge - Commitment Vignal Group - CSR - EN

Climate challenge - Commitment Vignal Group - CSR - EN

Design and manufacture sustainable products

  • best-in-class plants in Europe, the United States and Asia.
  • innovative products with a lifespan as long as that of the vehicle.
  • a low-carbon strategy thanks to particularly efficient LED products.
  • R&D teams around the world that are aware of eco-design.

Vignal Systems suggests to its customers to return Vignal products at the end of their life for integration in the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) processing chain (conditions de retour à valider avec le service après vente).

Deconstruction of the STELLAR light rail - Vignal Group

Deconstruction of LC12 LED taillight - Vignal Group

Decosntruction of ATLAS LED beacon - Vignal Group

deconsctruction ATLAS beacon LED
Reducing co2 emissions

Reducing co2 emissions

  • 100% of subsidiaries are ISO 14001 certified.
  • carbon assessments carried out since 2009 on the 3 scopes: reduction in our ratio of t.eq CO2 / turnover of 41% in three years.
  • investments in low-energy buildings and processes.
  • anchoring our "Global design - Local production" policy.

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